We are conscious of the many social, environmental and economic injustices in the world, and the need for ambitious and long-lasting political solutions. We are conscious of the fact that we are a small team and cannot spread ourselves too thinly.
As such, we strive to:
We are conscious of the crucial roles that power and inequality play, both at the societal and organisational levels.
At the societal level, we are conscious of:
At the organisational level, we are conscious of the importance of maintaining healthy working relationships and avoiding potentially toxic power dynamics.
As such, we strive to:
We are conscious of our environmental responsibility - to our planet and to future generations.
As such, we strive to:
We are conscious of the importance of collaboration, of working in partnership with others - especially those with different backgrounds and experiences - both as a young consultancy, but also as a tactic to bring about meaningful change in the world.
As such, we strive to:
We are conscious of the importance of a chosen balance between life and work.
As such, we strive to: